We provide quality picture framing and friendly service that is not always available at the larger stores. Rowville Framing can frame just about anything, be it a print, poster, framing of a football jumper, sports guernseys, framing war medals, sports awards. Box framing of cricket bats, framed baseball shirts etc. We frame music memorabilia such as framed CD’s & framing records. memorabilia framing Melbourne, football guernseys, Sports framing Victoria, Rowville framing will custom frame student artwork, children’s art such as paintings. Their 3D artwork created at school can be custom 3D box framed as well. All our Custom Picture Framing is done on site here in Rowville not far from Kelletts Road. We are now in Hi-Tech Place in Rowville. From Stud Rd turn into Kelletts Rd, second left into Laser Drive, first right into Hi-Tech Place Rowville.